Manila, Philippines (AHN) - A Philippine judge who claimed to have psychic powers and the ability to talk with "dwarf friends" was sacked on "administrative grounds" after a failed psychiatric test; he later lost his appeal to keep the job.
Judge Florentino Floro allegedly claimed supernatural abilities and the ability to foretell the future. He would also hold "healing sessions" in his chambers.
His appeal to remain at his post was rejected by the Supreme Court. The final ruling said "judges are expected to be guided by the rule of law and to resolve cases before them with judicial detachment" to ensure the public maintained its confidence in the judicial process.
"The psychological finding of mental unfitness, when taken together with Judge Floro's claimed dalliance with 'dwarves' poses a serious challenge to such required judicial detachment and impartiality," the ruling adds.
This would "eventually erode the public's acceptance of the judiciary as the rational guardian of the law, if not make it an object of ridicule."
Details here from All Headline News.