A managing attorney for the San Francisco public defender's felony unit was arrested for a felony -- allegedly carrying cocaine in her purse. Marla Zamora, a longtime deputy public defender and onetime judicial candidate, was arrested at a domestic terminal checkpoint at San Francisco International Airport Aug. 7. She was found with a "small amount" of suspected cocaine, booked and released on $10,000 bail. It's unclear what, if any, consequences Zamora could face at work as a result of the arrest.
The blurb above is from CalLaw.com, but you can't read the whole article unless you are a paid subscriber of San Francisco's The Recorder.
UPDATE (8/17): More details are available here (though still not the whole story). For example:
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, which reported the arrest Saturday, Zamora told police that she thought the package in question was a small bag of silica used to preserve leather goods.
And I'm the Queen of Sheeba! The referenced story from the San Francisco Chronicle is here.