Falwell's New Law School to Teach Integrating Faith with Law

ROANOKE, Va. -- The Rev. Jerry Falwell will open a law school this month in hopes of training a generation of attorneys who will fight for conservative causes.

"We want to infiltrate the culture with men and women of God who are skilled in the legal profession," Falwell said in a telephone interview Tuesday with The Associated Press. "We'll be as far to the right as Harvard is to the left."

Graduates of the law school--part of Falwell's Liberty University in Lynchburg, which is affiliated with his Baptist ministry--could tackle such issues as abortion rights and gay marriage, Falwell said. Classes begin Aug. 23 for the first-year class of 61 law students. . . .

[F]alwell said his law school will be similar to its Christian-leaning counterparts like Regent University in Virginia Beach, which religious broadcaster Pat Robertson founded.

There are now multiple right-wing fundamentalist Christian law schools in this country???!!! Chrikey! Details here from the AP via the Virginia Daily Press. (via How Appealing)