Little Relief for Victims of Ex-Lawyer

From the beginning, the case against disbarred Camden County [PA NJ] lawyer Dennis O'Brien was unlike any other faced by prosecutors. And authorities say it has required an equally "unique response."

O'Brien, who built a practice around a reputation as a church-going family man, pleaded guilty last August to stealing $2.5 million from 33 clients, including $850,000 from an autistic Audubon man. The total amount stolen, officials have discovered, has risen to $2.75 million from 39 clients.

This Friday, he faces sentencing for those thefts, mainly from elderly, grieving and disabled people who named him guardian of their estates or entrusted him with other financial accounts.

Details here from The Philadelphia Inquirer. (free reg. req'd) May he burn in hell if he has done what he is accused of.