Legal Foe Jailed in Lawyer's Abduction

Alexandria [VA] lawyer Kenneth E. Labowitz was sleeping soundly late Tuesday, after preparing for a morning hearing in a routine estate case, when three masked men claiming to be federal police officers forced their way into his home.

Before the night was done, Labowitz had been abducted at gunpoint, tortured with a stun gun, forced to stand at the edge of a freshly dug shallow grave and rescued by alert residents and police. Throughout the incident, he was convinced that at least one of his abductors was a principal in the scheduled morning hearing over the disputed million-dollar estate of an elderly client.

His frightening odyssey began about 11:30 p.m. Tuesday, when the armed trio barged into his home in an upscale neighborhood in northern Alexandria.

Labowitz told friends he recognized the voice of one of the men. He sounded just like the clean-cut young military man -- David Marc Kluttz -- whom Labowitz expected to see in court the next morning. Kluttz, a neighbor of Labowitz's client, had an interest in her estate, court records show.

Kluttz and the others are now in jail. The details of this bizarre incident are here, from the Washington Post.