NEW YORK - Former Rep. Gary Condit must answer questions about his sexual history in his slander case against a magazine writer who suggested Condit knew more than he let on about the death of intern Chandra Levy, a judge ruled Wednesday.
The ruling does not mean the information elicited by lawyers for Dominick Dunne, a special correspondent to Vanity Fair, will be made public. Judge Peter K. Leisure said he may order that the testimony be kept confidential.
But Condit cannot "use the court system as both a sword and a shield" by filing the $11 million lawsuit in December 2002, and then refusing to answer questions that may help Dunne's defense, the judge wrote. Condit refused to answer questions about his sexual relationships and his finances in a Sept. 27 deposition, the judge said.
In several television interviews, Dunne said he thought Condit knew more than he was admitting about Levy's disappearance. Details here from the AP.