At least if you’re a Republican. I got this in an email from the AAJ:
We defeated the motion to recommit, [the healthcare bill passed by the house] thanks to many champions of the civil justice system like Congressman Bruce Braley, and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer , who stood up to these baseless remarks, even though some of their colleagues taunted Bruce with chants of "trial lawyer, trial lawyer..." Bruce was incredible; we are all in his debt.
If I were Braley, I would have said something like, “You’re goddamned right I’m a trial lawyer! I fight for the rights of average everyday Americans every day of my life. I’m not some bootlicking corporate sock puppet who takes his orders from a group of amoral moneymen who have run our economy into the ground!” Then I’d have started shouting “Sock puppet! Sock puppet!” And that’s why I’m not in the House of Representatives.