I can honestly say that I wouldn’t be in law school if not for Randy Crownover. I’ve known this man since I was 17 years old, and to say that he influenced my decision to become an attorney would be a comical understatement. I remember a discussion we had when I was 17 or 18 years old about “the law.” He described it to me with reverence and passion that I’ve never heard from another person. I recently found out that Randy is running for Judge in the County Court at Law in Taylor County, Texas.
From his website:
In 1980, I called Abilene home and began the practice of law. The most important quality I bring to my candidacy is 29 years of legal experience in trial litigation in the courtrooms of Taylor County and across the State of Texas. There is simply no substitute to actually trying cases, year-after-year, case-after-case, to learn the law and to apply the law to the facts, thereby embedding the rules of the law into the mind, and making knowledge of the law “second nature.” This is the point at which I find myself after 29 years of handling thousands upon thousands of cases in trial courts, appeals courts, bankruptcy courts, and federal courts.
My legal experience is not limited to one branch of law. My extensive legal experience encompasses each of the five primary areas in which your Judge of County Court-at-Law No. 2 must be well anchored: civil law, juvenile law, probate law, misdemeanor law, and JP and municipal court appeals. Peoples' lives are depending on the knowledge and expertise of the judge, and learning while on the bench is not the place to start. It is extremely important to elect a judicial candidate that is experienced in the complete jurisdiction of County Court-at-Law. Your Taylor County Court-at-Law No. 2 holds concurrent jurisdiction in civil cases $100,000.00 or less, juvenile law governed by the Texas Family Code, probate cases moved from County Court, misdemeanor criminal cases, and appellate jurisdiction over Justice Courts and Municipal Courts cases as well as certain Administrative Law Review cases. I have three decades of experience necessary in all these areas of law:
Source: Crownover for Judge – Experience
Randy is as fierce an advocate for his clients as any attorney I’ve ever met. His advocacy, however, is tempered by his respect for the law. In the time I worked with him, he always knew where the ethical line was, and he always steered clear of it. Some people might call that risk-averse behavior. I call it honorable behavior befitting a man who seeks judicial office.
I have recommended Randy Crownover to my friends and my family in Texas. I would not have made that recommendation if I had any doubts about his ability, his temperance, or his talents. I have absolutely no reservation in recommending Randy to the voters of Taylor County and of Abilene, Texas. I know that the citizens of Abilene can count on Randy to fairly, impartially, and ethically administer justice if they choose to elect him to County Court at Law.
I only hope that if Randy is elected as judge, his schedule will permit him to travel to Michigan next year to attend my graduation ceremony. Because it’s no exaggeration to say that without his guidance, support, and encouragement, I wouldn’t be here.
Thanks, Randy.