I know I’d be pissed if instead of a legendary surgeon, I got a rookie who botched the job. One wonders if he was charged the same amount of money for the lesser surgeons as the legendary surgeons…
Hodge, who tried the case with partner Ryan Langley, said the jury's verdict proves Hawkins presented to White that he would be performing the surgery, but then allowed the lesser experienced Kissenberth to conduct the operation on Oct. 7, 2004.
"If (patients) think they are going to the greatest shoulder surgeon in the world, they have the right to be operated on by that surgeon," Hodge said. "That's part of making an informed decision."
Hodge said Hawkins was being paid $2 million a year by Triad Hospitals, the company that formerly owned Mary Black Health System, to do surgeries at a facility constructed adjacent to Mary Black Hospital. The attorney said fellows such as Kissenberth and John Franklin, who unsuccessfully operated on White on Aug. 24, 2004, made about $48,000 a year.
Source: Man wins medical lawsuit over surgeon switch | GoUpstate.com | Spartanburg Herald-Journal | Spartanburg SC