Sex-With-Corpse Scheme Busted

Nicholas Grunke

Laura Tennessen

When Nicholas Grunke [left] last week spotted a newspaper photo of Laura Tennessen [right], the Wisconsin man apparently became so smitten that he plotted a rendezvous with the 20-year-old woman.

But the photo Grunke saw accompanied an August 27 obituary of Tennessen, who died in a motorcycle accident.

Undeterred, Grunke allegedly plotted with his twin brother Alex and a friend, 20-year-old Dustin Radke, to rob Tennessen's grave so that he could have sex with her corpse.

Details of the trio's degenerate scheme are contained in a criminal complaint filed yesterday in Grant County Circuit Court.

These three geniuses even stopped to buy condoms at Wal-Mart on their way to the cemetery. Safety First! Now they face more than five years in prison each. Details here from The Smoking Gun. My codolences to Ms. Tennessen's family and friends.