Discrimination Law and The Golden State

A 2004 amendment to California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act seems to have set off a new wave of employment-discrimination suits involving transsexuals. The Recorder’s Marie-Anne Hogarth writes about Danielle Ryan, a 44-year-old pre-operative female who was forced out of her job as an IT systems analyst in Sacramento for engineering firm Parsons Brinckerhoff. She had worked there for a decade before she began her shift from male to female, her suit alleges.

“After she began taking hormones and coming to work in woman’s clothing, she was harassed by co-workers and superiors, who asked her to bare her breasts and compared her to Klinger, a character from the television program ‘MASH,’” Hogarth writes. “The company demoted her to part-time status and ultimately forced her out, according to the lawsuit.”

Details here from the Wall Street Journal's Law Blog.