Trial of Accused Serial Killer Robert Pickton Opens With Hearing of Evidence

VANCOUVER, British Columbia-A man accused of being Canada's worst serial killer pleaded not guilty Monday to 27 counts of first-degree murder.

Robert Pickton, 56, was arrested almost four years ago by police investigating the disappearances of sex-trade workers from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside.

The not-guilty plea marked the formal start of Pickton's trial, which will begin with months of hearings on the admissibility of evidence held under a strict publication ban.

Pickton is charged in connection with more than 60 women - many of them prostitutes - who have vanished over the past two decades from one of Canada's most crime-ridden neighborhoods.

Pickton lived on a 7-hectare (17-acre) farm in Port Coquitlam, a suburb of Vancouver. He was involved in several businesses on the property and is accused of having disposed of the women on his farm.

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