Washington State Bar, Prosecutors Oppose Police Ploy
In a case of first impression that could have implications for police investigations and genetic privacy throughout the country, lawyers have asked the Washington Supreme Court to send a strong message to detectives in Seattle: No more pretending to be lawyers.
The state’s highest court heard arguments Jan. 26 during a visit to the University of Washington School of Law.
The setting was apt for justices to hear a textbook dispute that involves a police ruse in which detectives posed as a law firm to trick a suspected murderer into giving up his DNA. The genetic material was collected from an envelope mailed by the suspect, John N. Athan, after he was asked to participate in a class action lawsuit that turned out to be fictitious.
The case has Athan, the defense bar, civil rights advocates, the state bar and even prosecutors asking Washington’s high court to let police know that posing as a law firm is not acceptable. State v. Athan, No. 75312-1.
Details here from the ABA Journal.