A Placer County [CA] attorney was charged with multiple felony counts, including child molestation, forgery and pornography in an Auburn courtroom Tuesday. Jonathan R. Tyrell, 39, of Roseville appeared in a jail-issued orange jumpsuit and handcuffs, a far cry from usual attorney courtroom attire of a suit and tie. . . .
[T]he felony charges include five counts of forgery, allegations that crimes occurred while Tyrell was on bail, preparing false documents, possession of drug paraphernalia, use of a controlled substance, possession of pornographic material, eight counts of child molestation, a count of vandalism and battery with serious bodily injury.
Tyrell was arrested Friday following an assault at his Roseville apartment. Tyrell reportedly bit Brian Lewandowski, 19, who police officers identified as an employee of Tyrell's.
"(Lewandowski) came into the apartment, sat down and Tyrell came out of the closet held him down and bit him," said Jeff Wilson, deputy district attorney for Placer County. "I believe his nose was fractured. . . ."
"([T]yrell) [also] videotaped teens in a bathroom setting in swimwear under water... a sexual fetish," Wilson said. "There is a public safety issue. The victims have expressed fear of Mr. Tyrell. . . ."
[W]ilson contends the act is a sexual fetish known as aquaphilia.
Biting and "aquaphilia"?? Nice work, counselor! Details here from the Auburn Journal.