Civil Case to Resume Against Former York Attorney

Mark David Frankel
, York's [PA] former high-profile "Turn the Book Over" attorney, appeared in court Wednesday, where a judge ruled on several outstanding motions regarding the Lois Lockwood case, and set a date for that civil trial to resume.

On Oct. 7, a jury decided Frankel inappropriately touched Lockwood inside a York bar in June 1998, groping her breasts and sliding his hand under her shorts. . . .

[F]rankel, 57, was disbarred in May 2004 amid allegations that he inappropriately touched clients, including two teens in Dauphin County whose parents filed suit against Frankel in 2001, and York County resident Van A. Stahl, who sued Frankel in 2000, claiming he was groped during an attorney-client meeting under the guise of checking for injuries related to a traffic accident.

Frankel has repeatedly denied all the allegations, saying the people who sued him are just looking for money.

Details here from the York Dispatch.