Wealthy Suspect is Serial Litigant

A millionaire accused of killing his ex-wife for money tallies 160 suits.

[Palm Beach millionaire Fred] Keller, 70, is charged with first-degree murder in the death of his fifth wife, Rosemarie, and attempted first-degree murder in the wounding of her brother in November 2003. The jury deadlocked in favor of conviction at his first trial and a mistrial was declared. . . .

[T]he fact that a judge forced him to give his wife half his assets in a highly acrimonious divorce didn't make him angry and certainly wasn't a motive for shooting and killing her, he has said. He was still wealthy, and did not indulge in a lavish lifestyle. . . .

[D]uring the two decades Keller has lived in Palm Beach County, he has filed more than 160 lawsuits. Most were landlord-tenant actions in connection with his commercial real estate empire, including at least 90 lawsuits to initiate evictions for nonpayment of rent. All were about money, and he was tenacious.

So tenacious that Keller tried for 16 years to collect a $2,225 debt from a former girlfriend after suing her in small claims court. So tenacious that he has sued one of his sons, both of his slain wife's brothers and an elderly widow. He also has pursued numerous other individuals and companies in disputes over modest sums.

"He would litigate over a dollar," said one of the many attorneys who has represented Keller and did not wish to be identified. "It was a matter of principle and he was going to win at all costs."

Details here from the Palm Beach Post. (via Overlawyered)