Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, speaking before a House of Representatives subcommittee on Tuesday, defended the independence of the federal judiciary even as he also said that criticism of the courts was "very healthy."
Kennedy's comments marked the first time a justice has addressed Congress since the recent spate of criticism of the federal courts generated by the death of Terry Schiavo. . . .
[F]or his part, Thomas . . . suggested that criticism came with the job of being a federal judge."We have lifetime appointments because we are supposed to be criticized." A longtime sports fan, Thomas added that, in his experience, when a game is over, "the referees get out of there fast. They don't stand around high-fiving people." . . .
[T]he hearing also had more lighthearted moments. Rep. Tiahrt referred at one point to the possibility of Supreme Court retirements, adding that he doubted that either of the justices present would make any announcements during the hearing.
With a smile, Kennedy said, "Justice Thomas would probably like to announce mine." Kennedy and Thomas are friends, but have been on opposite sides in the Roper decision and other recent hot-button rulings.
Details here from Tony Mauro of Legal Times via