An admonition from the chief judge of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and a public apology by 2nd Circuit Judge Guido Calabresi were found to be an appropriate sanction for a speech given by Calabresi in which he made an "academic" analogy between Bush v. Gore and the use of legitimate institutions by fascist leaders to cement their rise to power.
Acting on a report filed by a special committee charged with investigating complaints about Calabresi for his comments last year at an American Constitutional Society event, the circuit's Judicial Council concluded that his apology -- coupled with his public admonition by Chief Judge John M. Walker -- was an appropriate sanction for violating the proscription in the Canons of Judicial Ethics against political behavior by judges.
Complaints filed against the judge alleged that his speech advocated the defeat of President George W. Bush in November's election; compared Bush to Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini; evidenced political "bigotry" or bias; and demonstrated incompetence by disagreeing with the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Bush v. Gore.
Details here from the New York Law Journal via