U.S. House OKs Bill to Delay Schiavo Case

Can you say "Bill of Attainder"?

WASHINGTON - The House passed legislation late Wednesday intended to delay the removal of the feeding tube keeping alive a brain-damaged woman whose husband has been given permission by a state court to allow her to die.

Earlier in the day, a Florida appeals court refused to block the removal of Terri Schiavo's feeding tube. For years her husband has battled her parents over his efforts to allow her to die, which he contends she would prefer rather than live in a vegetative state.

The House bill, passed on a voice vote, would move such a case to federal court. Federal judges have twice turned down efforts by the parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, to move the case out of Florida courts, citing a lack of jurisdiction.

Senate Republicans are introducing a separate bill to give Schiavo and her family standing in federal court, and they hope it can be debated on Thursday, a GOP aide said.

For fuck's sake! When are these throwbacks going to learn that their religious beliefs have no place in the workings of the state, including the House, Senate or the judiciary? When will they learn that the Constitution will not bend to their beliefs? Details here from the AP.