"Getting a Bit Chippy During a Deposition in Texas"

The following is a lively exchange at the end of a recent deposition in a Texas civil case:

Lawyer 1: "Mr. Lawyer 2, if you ever imply that I manufactured testimony again, I'll fucking kick your ass. I'll do it right here in front of all these attorneys, okay? Because we're off the record. Did you hear what I said?"

Lawyer 2: [To the Court reporter] "Did you get that on the record?"

Lawyer 1: "No, it's not on the record. I said 'we're off the record, end of deposition.'"

The Reporter: "You have to agree, per the Rules. I mean, that's just my -- I'm sorry."

Lawyer 1: "That's fine. Whatever."

Here is the motion for sanctions resulting from this exchange.

Excellent! All of the above was shamelessly stolen verbatim from this post at Houston's Clear Thinkers.