"Tests of Leadership"

You've got to give the Bush administration credit. These people are incredibly skillful liars and dissemblers.

Tonight I got interested in Bush's proposed Social Security "reform" and started reading all I could find about it. Among other things, I found this gem about Bush's Social Security reform goals, from the White House itself:

One of the tests of leadership is to confront problems before they become a crisis. President Bush came to Washington to solve problems, not pass them on to future Presidents and future generations.

(See for yourself here at http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/social-security/.)

That is the most substantively void statement I have ever read. Go read it again. It says nothing. Yet it has plenty of "spin."

So the "tests of leadership" prove that Bush is a leader because he "confronts problems before they become a crisis?"

How does that fit with the fact that he read "My Pet Goat" for 20 minutes after the planes hit the World Trade Center Towers, and then lied about it afterwards?

When there's really a crisis (such as 9/11), Bush hides. But when he wants to advance his administration's neo-conservative agenda, he'll manufacture a fake "crisis" whenever it suits him. (Or, rather, Karl Rove will do it for him.) And then he'll state that "the tests of leadership" is to "confront the problem" that Karl just manufactured for him. Neat, isn't it? He's our HERO!!!

Social Security reform is a case in point: Bush claims we're in "crisis". There is no crisis. Just check here and here.

Some years ago, the British privatized their pension system, just as Bush now proposes we privatize ours. The result? A complete disaster.

Please, don't let these radical ideologues dismantle Social Security. Don't accept these bastards' lies. At the end of the day, they're trying to take from the poor (you) and give to the rich (them). Please don't let them do it.