Scalia Promotes Orgies in Harvard Talk

Following what one Harvard student described as "possibly the most eloquent speech I have ever heard," Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia made the following comments:

An audience member later rose to ask Scalia �whether you have any gay friends, and�if not�whether you�d like to be my friend.�

�I probably do have some gay friends,� Scalia said. �I�ve never pressed the point.�

But Scalia said his personal views on social issues have no bearing on his courtroom decisions.

�I even take the position that sexual orgies eliminate social tensions and ought to be encouraged,� Scalia said.

I patiently await my invitation to the next swing party at the Scalia residence.

Meanwhile, the inimitable Wonkette quips about the "sexual orgies" comment: "Finally, we see how Thomas has had influence on the court."

Details here from The Harvard Crimson. (P.S. - The British love this sort of thing -- see "Orgies are the way to ease social tensions, claims US judge" from The Guardian.)