Bad Day for Bay Area Judges

First, today's San Francisco Daily Journal has an (unlinked) article titled: "Ousted Judge Still Maintains CJP Broke Its Own Rules" which begins:

Former Superior Court Judge Bruce Van Voorhis, the hated Judge Dredd of Contra Costa County who terrorized East Bay attorneys and court staff, is down but he may not be quite out.

The California Supreme Court last week unanimously refused to hear his appeal of his removal. However, Van Voorhis is contemplating going all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court to regain his gavel, one of a handful of such appeals to the high court. The nation's high court, however, has yet to reinstate an ousted judge.

You can read more about Van Voorhis here from the San Francisco Chronicle.

Second, KPIX has a story titled South Bay Judge Indicted on Conspiracy Charges which concerns Santa Clara County Judge William Danser's problems.

And third, The Contra Costa Times has an article titled Commission: Judge Ronald Hyde to be removed from the bench, about an Alameda County judge who's also in trouble.