A 14-year-old girl who was allegedly raped hours after appearing as an "out-of-control teen" in a taping of "The Maury Povich Show" has a valid negligence claim against the nationally syndicated TV program and its host, a Manhattan judge has ruled.
Acting Supreme Court Justice Diane A. Lebedeff said yesterday that the litigation appears to be the first New York "talk show tort."
The New York court distinguished the facts from the case of Scott Amedure, who was murdered after appearing on "The Jenny Jones Show," because here, the victim was "still subject to the Povich show's travel arrangements at the time the show's limousine driver allegedly lured her away from the New York City hotel where she was staying with her mother and grandmother, and then raped her in the back seat of the car."
An excerpt and link to the full story (subscription required for full story) from the New York Law Journal is here.