Next Monday (11/17) the 2nd Circuit will hear oral argument in the case of Padilla v. Rumsfeld:
A three-judge panel will hear the government's appeal in the case of Jose Padilla, who has languished in a naval brig since President George W. Bush designated him a combatant in the war on terror, saying the former street gang member and convicted murderer had hooked up with al-Qaida and was pursuing a bombing plot on U.S. soil.
The government, led by Deputy Solicitor General Paul D. Clement, is appealing Southern District Chief Judge Michael B. Mukasey's ruling that defense lawyers must be allowed to meet with Padilla in South Carolina, where he has been held incommunicado since June 2002.
That should prove interesting. The New York Law Journal has a report here via I linked to earlier stories about the case here and here.