What do those two illnesses have in common? They can both be caused pharmaceutical products.
Tardive Dyskinesia is a movement disorder that particularly affects the face. People who suffer from it can’t control their lips and eyes. It can cause people to make some really awful looking faces. Tardive Dyskinesia is a known side effect of Reglan, or its generic form, Metoclopramide. Reglan is generally prescribed for people who have Gastroesophageal reflux disease. However, usage of Reglan for more than 12 weeks greatly increases your risk of movement disorders such as Tardive Dyskinesia.
Primary Pulmonary Hypertension, or PPH, is abnormally high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs. One of the causes of PPH is even short-term usage of Fen Phen. Even short term use of Pondimin or Redux can cause a person to develop PPH. The scary thing is that you might not develop PPH until many years after you stopped taking one of the drugs. That’s why lawyers are just now starting to file PPH lawsuits.
If you think you’ve developed a movement disorder from taking Reglan, or PPH from taking Fen Phen or another weight loss drug, email me at justinian at justinian dot US. I’d love to help you find an attorney to help you hold the manufacturer responsible.