My name is Justinian Lane, and I've been a fan of for many years. When I saw a few months ago that John's interest in the site had waned, I offered to take it over. The two of us procrastinated taking it any further, but he's now officially passed the torch to me and I'm proud to be pick up where he left off.
If you have comments, suggestions, etc. for me, I'd love to hear them. My plans are to continue this site as an irreverent blog focused mainly on the law, and as John said, "Other Fancy Stuff."
It will take me a little bit of time to learn the ins-and-outs of Moveable Type, but I anticipate adding goodies to this blog like a Google Reader widget, etc.
I plan on keeping all of the content on this site, but if there's anything here you really love, you might want to make a backup copy "just in case." Some of the ads and the "I plan on voting for Obama" button will go away, though. (Although the latter may come back in 2011.)
I'd like to personally thank John for the hard work he put into this, and hope to continue providing the fine content he did.