$5 million dollar lawsuit against Burger King – over three text messages

First, read this, and then I’ll tell you what I hate:

Espinal's contention: Burger King "caused actual harm" by harassing her with the "cryptic" messages, according the lawsuit. Espinal was "subjected to aggravation" and made to pay for receiving them. Now she is seeking -- get this -- $5 million in relief.

God bless the American legal system.

In April 2008, Espinal's phone beeped. The text was labeled "99143 " instead of showing a return number, and the sender seemed, well, kind of bossy. "Kick it up a notch with a loaded steakhouse burger," it read. "Try one today at BK."

Source: Whopper of a Lawsuit: Woman Wants Burger King to Pay for Text Messages - Miami News - Riptide 2.0

I hate the fact that scummy PI attorneys will file bullshit lawsuits like this just to get attention.  I also hate the fact that the media covers them, but doesn’t cover when they get thrown out of court.