Check Out My Most Popular Post

In this six years I’ve been blogging about the civil justice system, I’ve never written a post that has generated so much discussion in the blogosphere.  Apparently, I tapped into a vein of hostility towards self-described social media experts.  Here’s the first paragraph:

Most people who know me think I’m a quiet, unassuming, laid-back guy.  And I am.  Until I reach my level of tolerance.  Tonight, I reached my level of tolerance for snake oil salesmen who bill themselves as social media experts for lawyers.  Perhaps snake oil salesmen is too kind.  People who want to charge lawyers money for teaching them about social media are bullshit peddlers who hope to exploit the (presumed) ignorance of the (presumed) rich.

Source: Justinian Lane - Commentary on law, politics, and tort "reform.": An Uncensored Discussion About Social Media for Lawyers

Blogging has been light here because (a) I have a bad cold, and (b) I’ve got finals coming up.  I have one in a few hours, as a matter of fact.  Perhaps if I cough and sneeze a lot, enough students will rush themselves to get out of there and I’ll rock the curve that way.