Today I got a wonderful e-mail from Joanne Doroshow, the founder and Executive Director of the Center for Justice & Democracy. Joanne is on my short-list of heroes, so I’m extremely pleased to share the following news with you:
- CJ&D’s blog, ThePopTort, has for the second year in a row been selected as one of the 100 best legal blawgs by the American Bar Association. You can help turn that good news to great news by voting for The PopTort in its individual category. First, register here (it’s quick and free.) Second, simply click here and vote for it. I’ll wait patiently while you go register and vote for it. This is a big honor for the CJ&D, as there is a lot of competition to be in the top 100 legal blawgs by the ABA.
- The CJ&D has also launched its own Facebook page, with lots of great photos including some hilarious scenes outside its window in Lower Manhattan. You may already be a Facebook fan of ThePopTort, but now CJ&D has a page, too. Why not become a Facebook fan of both ThePopTort and the CJ&D today?
- You can also start following Joanne’s excellent blog posts at the Huffington Post.
Again, hearty congratulations are in order to Joanne and the fine crew at the Center for Justice & Democracy. They’re one of the finest organizations fighting to protect the civil justice system from the millionaires & billionaires behind the tort “reform” movement.