Get this – grown adults were wearing ribbons to show their membership in an “I Hate Teena Club,” with Teena being a coworker. What kind of childish asses start “I hate so-and-so” clubs at work?
A New York appeals court has upheld the dismissal of a county worker who helped organize an on-the-job "club," dubbed the "I Hate Teena Club," to show her disdain for a co-worker.
The 4-0 Appellate Division, 3rd Department, panel found that a hearing officer reasonably concluded that Penny Sindoni had created a "hostile, intimidating, disruptive" and "uncomfortable" work environment by showing animosity for co-worker Christeenia Cargill.
Source: - Organizer of 'Club' Deriding Co-Worker Properly Fired, N.Y. Court Concludes