Could the Chamber of Commerce be any more full of it? To claim that Apple’s opposition to the Chamber’s policy on climate change is really just due to trial lawyers and unions?
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has seen a handful of member companies quit over its opposition to pending climate-change legislation, fired back Friday with a letter saying its critics were organized by "our normal adversaries-- trial lawyers, activist unions [and] environmental extremists."
The letter from David Chavern, the chamber's chief operating officer, was sent out to local chambers of commerce before noon Friday, with the idea that it would be passed on to member companies.
In it, Chavern stands by the confrontational stance that led companies like Pacific Gas and Electric, Apple and Levi Strauss to resign their memberships.
Source: U.S. Chamber Fires Back at Critics After Departures -
I’m now officially ashamed that I used to be a member of the Chamber of Commerce.