Judge: 'This Egg Will Rot, I Kid You Not'

Before a judge renders an opinion, he might rely on case law or consider precedents established by the U.S. Supreme Court. But this week at the federal court in Concord, Magistrate Judge James Muirhead reached for his copy of Green Eggs and Ham.

Muirhead channeled Dr. Seuss after an inmate mailed him a hard-boiled egg to protest his diet at the state prison.

"No fan I am of the egg at hand," Muirhead wrote.

He continued: "I do not like eggs in the file. I do not like eggs any style."

Then Muirhead ordered the egg destroyed.

"Today! Today!" he demanded. "Today I say! Without delay!"

Muirhead could not be reached for comment, but Daniel Lynch, deputy clerk at the U.S. District Court on Pleasant Street, confirmed that the egg had been tossed.

Details here from the Concord Monitor.