Former Partner Sues Firm, Partner for Alleged Groping at Party

Jackson & Campbell's Robert Rider Jr. concedes that he tapped another firm lawyer on the backside at a party, according to court papers.

But in a civil suit against Rider, 44, Elisa Eisenberg describes the incident as career-ending assault and battery. Eisenberg, 42, a former nonequity partner at the 50-lawyer firm based in Washington, D.C., is suing Rider (also a nonequity partner), Jackson & Campbell, firm president Richard Bryan and former president James Schaller.

In her complaint, filed in June in D.C. Superior Court, Eisenberg says an intoxicated Rider forcefully groped her at a party for a client in June 2006. Eisenberg, who declined to comment, further alleges that Jackson & Campbell created a hostile work environment by refusing to fire Rider, ultimately forcing her to resign the following January.

Eisenberg, who is represented by Lauri Cleary of Lerch, Early & Brewer, is not yet at another firm.

The firm, along with Bryan and Schaller (who both declined to comment), filed a motion to dismiss on Aug. 21.

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