Feds Fine Knife-Carrying Justice

No way was the Transportation Security Administration about to let a passenger board an airplane armed and dangerous. Even if the passenger happened to be Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Thomas Saylor.

The justice 'fessed up to an incident with the TSA while recently completing a judicial evaluation questionnaire for the Pennsylvania Bar Association. In the portion of the questionnaire asking if the justice has ever been arrested, charged with or convicted of violating any federal, state or local law or regulation, Saylor, 61, copped to a February 2005 incident at Harrisburg International Airport.

"I was assessed a civil penalty by the TSA because I attempted to board an airplane with a one-and-one-half-inch keychain pocketknife," Saylor wrote. "I paid the civil penalty of $750 to conclude the matter."

Despite that brief brush with the law, the bar association recommended retaining Saylor, who was first elected to the high court in 1997.

Details here from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. (via How Appealing)