Ex-Judge, City Attorney, Kills Himself

Now this is tragic:

Larry Manzaneres

Former Denver City Attorney Larry Manzanares, who was facing criminal charges in a stolen laptop case, shot himself to death under a walking bridge in the Highline Canal area on Friday evening, police said Saturday.

Manzanares, 50, was found by police just before 5 p.m. near East Dartmouth Avenue and South Colorado Boulevard in Eisenhower Park.

His family described him as a beloved husband, father, son, brother and son-in-law and lashed out at the press for what they said was unfair coverage of the case against him. . . .

[T]he former judge was charged June 13 with theft of a Denver District Court laptop.

Jefferson County prosecutors filed three felony charges of theft, embezzlement, tampering with evidence and two misdemeanor counts of misconduct and computer crime.

The laptop was also used to download pornographic images and movies, according to an arrest affidavit.

As I understand it (and the following may or may not be correct), it appears that former judge and city attorney Manzanares had been viewing porn at work on his computer. When it seemed he might get caught, he took the computer home and tried to clean it up. When he was charged with stealing it, he killed himself. He was a Harvard Law graduate, and a very well-respected member of the Colorado bar. What a waste and what a shame. My condolences to his family and friends.

Details here from the Denver Post. I posted about this story earlier here.