Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer will appear on this weekend's broadcast of the NPR program "Wait, Wait . . . Don't Tell Me." If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, you can hear it on KQED 88.5 FM at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday March 24th.
SPOILER ALERT!!! The program has already been recorded, and NPR has already released a transcript. If you don't want to read about what happens on the program prior to hearing it, then READ NO FURTHER. If you don't give a crap, feel free to read on:
WASHINGTON - Here's what Justice Stephen Breyer revealed about the Supreme Court in his appearance on a radio quiz show: His judicial robe gathers no lint because it's synthetic.
When it came to cracking wise, Breyer held his own with a panel of people who are paid to be funny on National Public Radio's "Wait, Wait ... Don't Tell Me."
Being the funniest Supreme Court justice, he said, "is like being one of the shortest tall people."
On why he even agreed to answer questions outside his area of expertise in the humbling, and often embarrassing, "Not My Job" segment: "Well, it was my sister-in-law who wanted me to do it, and I wanted peace in the family."
The show was taped Thursday and will air this weekend on NPR stations. NPR provided a transcript on Friday.
Breyer spent a half-hour or so chatting with host Peter Sagal and panelists Luke Burbank, Paula Poundstone and Mo Rocca.
You can read the rest of the article here from the AP via Yahoo News. Justice Breyer seems to be a pretty funny guy. (I'm familiar with his brother, U.S. District Court Judge Charles "Chuck" Breyer (N.D. Cal), and I've observed that he is very funny indeed, at least when amongst friends and in private).
UPDATE: A transcript of Justice Breyer's appearance is here. Or you can listen to it online at this link. It is indeed pretty funny. (via Bashman)