PHILADELPHIA (CN) – The National Arbitration Forum is an alter ego of “miserable, Godless bloodsucking banks and other professional litigants,” and it defrauded and conspired against Legacy Capital Partners and Radnor Capital Advisors by offering to arbitrate their dispute with Firstrust, a Forum ally, Legacy and Radnor claim in Federal Court. Plaintiffs say the “bloodsucking” comment was made by Richard Neely, a former Chief Justice of the West Virginia Supreme Court, who served as an NAF litigator. Neely’s quote continues: “Whom, then, are all the procedures designed to accommodate? Right again: the professional bloodsuckers who have set the system up to screw the consumer.” Plaintiffs say Firstrust illegally froze more than $2 million in a Firstrust account. They say the NAF cannot be a fair arbitrator because of its conspiracy with its fellow bloodsucker. They say the NAF blackballs arbitrators who rule against their clients, and that NAF arbitration offers only a “grotesque parody” of justice. They want punitive damages and they want the NAF barred from their dispute with Firstrust. See complaint.
The above from Courthouse News Service (no direct permalink available).