Sperm Donor Targeted for 'Dad' Signature

A New York man, who donated his sperm to a friend years ago is now facing a child-support order after signing his gifts with the moniker "Dad."

The unidentified Nassau County man, who helped a coworker give birth to a baby boy 18 years ago, was hit with the child-support order after sending his biological son several gifts and cards signed "Dad," the New York Post reported Sunday.

His attorney, Deborah Kelly, said her client had only wanted to help the college-bound teen and now was being targeted for his good will.

"It really is no good deed goes unpunished," Kelly said.

"When people do things they think are being done with good intentions and there is an agreement and one of the party reneges on the agreement, it is certainly disconcerting."

The man reportedly orally agreed not to have any rights or responsibilities in the boy's life when he made his sperm donation.

The Post said a Nassau County Family Court judge has ruled against conducting a paternity test in the unusual case, stating it could be traumatic to the teenager.

Details here from UPI. Just one more reason for me to stay indoors, with the blinds drawn, wearing three condoms at all times.