[M]adison [High School] is most likely the only alma mater that can boast three sitting U.S. senators -- a Republican, a Democrat and an Independent, along with a Supreme Court justice -- in the pages of its yearbook.
"When Ruth Bader Ginsburg was at Madison -- of course, you're quite familiar with the look that she cultivates -- would you believe that she was cheerleader?" said Steve Slavin, a 1959 Madison graduate, referring to the now-bookish-looking Supreme Court justice.
Sandy Roche, class of 1950, couldn't believe it. That is, until she cracked the spine of her old yearbook.
"It says she was twirler, so I guess she was a cheerleader. Oh my goodness," said Roche who knew Ginsburg, also class of 1950, by her nickname, Kiki. Roche and others from her time remembered Ginsburg as "very popular and attractive."
Kiki the cheerleader? Details here from The Politico. (via Lagniappe via OverLawyered)