Latham & Watkins Facing $10 Million Sanction

Latham & Watkins

A U.S. bankruptcy court judge is threatening to sanction Latham & Watkins and one of its clients $10 million.

Last month, Eastern District [of California] Bankruptcy Judge Brett Dorian issued an order to show cause asking why he shouldn't sanction magazine publisher Entrepreneur Media Inc. and its lawyers for their conduct in a long-running battle stemming from a trademark dispute.

A hearing is set for next month.

A Latham spokesman would not comment on the order, only saying "our role is to work with the client and protect and serve their [sic] interest."

Although initially shocking, when you think about it, Lathan & Watkin's legions of glassy-eyed and exhausted associates probably bill a collective $10 million per minute, so its unlikely that the sanction will force any Latham partners to actually give up their trophy adultresses or second Porsches. Details here from The Recorder via