British Judges in Blackmail Case Face Dismissal

Roselane Driza

TWO immigration judges were facing the prospect of dismissal last night after a lurid blackmail trial exposed their love triangle with a Brazilian cleaner who worked illegally for both of them.

The Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justice want to study details that emerged during the trial of Roselane Driza to decide whether the judges — one of whom sent her a text message saying she was “real chilli hot stuff” — should be disciplined.

Driza, a 37-year-old failed asylum-seeker who was once married to a serial killer, faces jail and then deportation after her conviction for blackmailing one of the judges, a woman known only as Miss J. She was also convicted of stealing two videos that the other judge — Mohammed Ilyas Khan — made of himself having sex with two women, one of them Miss J.

Good grief! Details here from The Times of London. (Hat tip to Bashman, who has a round up of links to the British press' coverage.)