Fla. Judge Scolded for Ethics Violations

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -- A judge who admitted to 14 ethics violations, including unconstitutionally ordering a probationer to go to church, was scolded Monday by the Florida Supreme Court.

"Your behavior is unacceptable," Chief Justice R. Fred Lewis told the accused, Circuit Judge Richard Albritton Jr. "It's a stain on all of us."

Accusations against Albritton include jailing a young mother because she was unable to remember her address; soliciting gifts and invitations to lunch; getting hunting trips from lawyers; and demeaning a Department of Children and Families staffer because of her young age.

The judge admitted the violations in an agreement that calls for him to receive the public reprimand, serve a 30-day unpaid suspension and pay a $5,000 fine and $1,203.70 in costs.

Jesus! That guy was on a roll! Details here from the AP. (via Bashman)