Here’s a question for Dr. Z: Why are you trying to prevent the news media from covering a high-profile asbestos trial?
DaimlerChrysler, the auto company represented in TV commercials by its chairman, Dieter Zetsche a.k.a. “Dr. Z”, moved yesterday for a gag order to stop an Oakland law firm from fielding calls from the press, including Legal Pad’s sister publication The Recorder.
The gag motion targets Rebekah Price, a single mother who is dying of cancer, plus lawyers at Kazan, McClain, Abrams, Fernandez, Lyons, Farrise & Greenwood.
Chrysler fears that, unless restrained, plaintiff will attempt to issue press releases or otherwise communicate with the news media … in an effort to prejudice and influence the jury,” DaimlerChrysler attorney Scott Shepardson wrote in a petition to Alameda County Superior Court. A hearing date for the motion has not been set.
Details here from the Legal Pad from
UPDATE: There's now a full article online -- Asbestos Plaintiffs Firm Pins Hopes on an RV From eBay -- from The Recorder via