House Leader Wants Investigation Into Calif. Judge

LOS ANGELES - The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee introduced a resolution Monday to allow the panel to begin investigating a California judge for possible misconduct.

In a statement, Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., urged committee members "not to jump to any conclusions in this matter" involving U.S. District Judge Manuel Real.

"Today's resolution merely allows the House Judiciary Committee to open an investigation to determine the facts," Sensenbrenner said. "Only after the House Judiciary Committee has conducted a fair, thorough and detailed investigation, will committee members be able to consider whether ... impeachment might be warranted."

Sensenbrenner added that the next step would be establishing a committee to review the issue, with members from both parties.

The move is the latest development in a long-running controversy tied to a misconduct complaint against the judge.

Real seized control of a bankruptcy from another judge involving a woman whose probation he was overseeing. The action allowed Deborah M. Canter to live rent-free for three years in a Los Angeles house, costing her creditors $35,000 in rent and thousands more in legal costs, according to court documents.

Details here from the AP via the San Jose Mercury News.