Did Fugitive Darren Mack Post Comments on The Legal Reader?

Darren Mack

As many of you know, in recent weeks this weblog has attracted several hundred comments about Reno Judge Chuck Weller and the sniper who allegedly shot him (after allegedly stabbing his ex-wife to death), Darren Mack.

Mack surrendered to the FBI last night in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. He had initially said he would turn himself in yesterday morning, but failed to show up.

Yesterday morning I was contacted by a homicide detective from the Reno Police Department, and shortly thereafter by a Special Agent of the FBI's Reno office. They both thought that Mack might have been posting comments to this website, and that he might be continuing to monitor the comments on this site.

They identified two comments that they thought Mack might have left (see below), which were both posted by someone using the name "Mark". I determined that these two comments were posted from the IP address That IP address is assigned to the "Latin American and Caribbean IP address Regional Registry" -- which includes Mexico.

In one of the comments, the author starts off refferring to Mack in the third-person, as "Darren" or "he", and claims to have detailed financial information that he had seen from "bank records" that Mack had shown him. But at one point, the author slips into the first-person, writing: "Can't tell the bank [that Judge] Weller said I don't have to pay [interest due to the bank]." Hmmmm . . . .

I showed the Special Agent and the Detective how they could monitor who was currently accessing my website using SiteMeter, which they presumably did from then on.

Were those comments actually posted by Darren Mack? I may never know, but it looks pretty likely to me. Because Mack ultimately turned himself in, I don't think his postings to my website contributed to his apprehension. But they potentially could have . . . .

The two comments in question are reproduced after the jump:

Here is the real numbers as was given to me in documents by Darren himself. Don´t let the fancy BS done by the attorneys fool you in the court motions. Remember most if not all has been falsely documented. I saw the real financial and bank records myself.

The order said¨.

44,000 income
15,000 income taxes that no-one remembered that had to be taken out. Remember income taxes?
29,000 left after taxes
10,000 spousal support as per Weller´s order
19,000 left after spousal support
14,000 all those items that were listed on the order by Weller but not put into dollars. Just the 2 morgages were 9,000 a month. I have seen the bank records.
5000 left after paying all the bills ordered to be paid by Weller.
849 child support for one child
1000 child support to the previous wife for another child.
3151 left after child support
6000 in interest paymts and other expences that Weller did not address in his order but had to be paid. Can´t tell the bank Weller said I don´t have to pay.
-2849 left after bills that must be paid that Weller did not address.
15000 a month for attys fees to fund a war that he tried to settle many times rather than go BK.
-17,849 left after attys fees. Remember Darren has yet to spend $1 on rent, food, gas, car, support one child full time that lived with him and one child that lived with him half time.
6000 a month for all the above. Darren had a minus cashflow of

$-23,849 per month

based on Judge Weller´s order. Live with that for 2 years!! and see if you need to file BK. Get a grip people.

So here it is in simple form. Weller a man making $44,000 a month to pay $61,849 before he got $1 to live on himself and to take care of his children when they lived with him. You make your own conclusion of fairness.

Remember criminals like Charla´s atty Shawn Meador and bought and paid for Judges can make anything look reasonable in court docs. The real test is how does it play out when you have to write the check and balance the checkbook. Don´t be fooled by the surface level BS. I have seen the bank records.

Posted by: mark at June 21, 2006 07:53 PM

That is just one order. The first financial order that was posted is just one of 20 or more things that were Nazi like against Darren. By the way anyone who understands the law would know that he couldn't appeal until the entire case was finished including custody and the divorce decree issues. That is why those two things were stratigically put off by Shawn Meador into the future so as to keep Darren from any protection from another court. It is my understanding that he was in the middle of an emergency writ but those are very rarely issued.

They make up rules and they are the umpires so when they are crooked like in this case one has absolutely no chance at coming out without being robbed broke, put into BK, jailed, extorting the people around you, and then kidnapping your children. There is one place where one has no constitutional rights and that is in the 4 walls of the divorce court. It is just legalized organized crime.

It was not just with Darren but read fatherunite.org and you will see hundreds of stories of the crimes that divorce industry are inflicting on mostly men thoughtout this country. They are plain out crimes. Read them and weep for crimes being waged against mostly men in this country.

Posted by: Mark at June 22, 2006 11:11 AM

You can see those two comments in their original habitat here.