Adult entertainment lawyer Cary S. Wiggins has the boyish looks, good manners and perfectly pressed shirt of someone who was raised right.
Last month Wiggins, 34, succeeded in overturning Georgia's obscenity law, which includes a ban on so-called sex toys.
Wiggins acknowledges not everyone would congratulate themselves on such a feat. He said that when he announced the news to his father, a retired U.S. Air Force pilot, his initial response was, "You're not proud of that, are you?"
Wiggins told his father that he was, explaining he "convinced a panel of three federal judges to see the statute violates one of the public's most cherished rights," namely, free speech -- even though obscenity is not protected by the First Amendment.
The case is This That and the Other Gift v. Cobb County, Ga., No. 04-16419 (11th Cir. Feb. 15, 2006). Circuit judges Susan H. Black, Frank M. Hull and Jerome Farris heard the case.
Details here from the Fulton County Daily Report via