'Heavy Hitter' Will Sue

The Heavy Hitter

It's hard to watch television in Las Vegas and not see a commercial for personal injury lawyer Glen "The Heavy Hitter" Lerner. In one commercial, he cuts checks to clients as a soccer announcer screams "GOAL!" In another, he spins like a human tornado, generating cash for his clients.

The offbeat commercials with the catchy jingles have made Lerner a celebrity in Las Vegas, but in recent years, they have caused him problems with the State Bar of Nevada.

In short, Lerner said, the bar has told him he cannot be "The Heavy Hitter" anymore. He can merely be "a heavy hitter."

"The bar told me by calling myself "The Heavy Hitter," it was false and misleading because it was stating I'm the only heavy hitter," Lerner said. "It's beyond ridiculous."

Next week, Lerner said, he and his attorney, Dominic Gentile, will sue the State Bar of Nevada in federal court over what he said are unlawful restrictions on his First Amendment rights to advertise as he sees fit.

"As long as my ads are not false or misleading, I can say what I want to say," Lerner said. "I'm selling a product. Me ... I'm like the Ty-D-Bol man."

Indeed. Details here from the Las Vegas Review-Journal.