An Iowa man is accused of kidnapping his wife, and prosecutors allege he devised a marriage contract to establish what his wife was to do, and when she was to do it. Travis Frey, 33, is accused, among other things, of giving his wife chances to win "good behavior days."
Frey is already charged with first-degree kidnapping, which is a crime punishable by life in prison without parole. Frey also faces a charge of domestic assault causing bodily injury on his wife.
"The allegations are that he confined and subjected his wife to sexual abuse," said Pottawattamie County Attorney Matt Wilber.
According to court records, Frey's wife told police her husband tied her to their bed with a rope and sexually assaulted her at least three times. Frey's wife also provided police with an alleged "marriage contract," which was entitled "Contract of Wifely Expectations." In it, Frey allegedly gave his wife chances to earn "good behavior days" -- or GBDs -- by complying with certain demands, such as hygiene and self-care. "You will shave every third day," the contract states. "You will be naked within 20 minutes of the kids being in bed."
The document spells out how many points can be earned by performing certain sex acts. Frey's wife said she never signed the contract.
A news report on the case is here, and the "Contract of Wifely Expectations" is here, via The Smoking Gun. As the folks at The Smoking Gun put it, "[s]et aside ten minutes [to read it] -- and prepare to be repulsed."