The Bush Administration and Tort Reform

Deadeye Dick Cheney

Impatient with efforts to reform the plaintiff-friendly tort system, the Bush Administration literally fired the first shot in its groundbreaking "No Lawyer Left Standing" initiative. Vice President Dick Cheney, hunting on a private ranch near Kingsville, Texas last Saturday, bagged an impressive buck -- 78 year-old Harry Whittington, UT Law class of 1950.

Under the new program, hunters may take one in-house lawyer or three outside "white shoe" lawyers daily. The quota has been lifted entirely for trial lawyers.

"We've just got to thin the herd," said the Vice President. "We've tried tort reform and caps on damages, but people are still suing."

Draining his pocket flask, Cheney added, "It's fun and easy, too. In Texas, you can shoot in almost any direction and hit a lawyer."